Help Elect Angela Alsobrooks MD-SEN!

The race for the Senate in Maryland is neck and neck. We will need your support to win this seat.

Angela Alsobrooks is a seasoned politician and lawyer from Maryland, currently serving as the County Executive of Prince George’s County.

Angela Alsobrooks was born and raised in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Her commitment to public service was inspired by her family, particularly her great-grandmother who encouraged her to “go farther and do better.” She earned her undergraduate degree from Duke University and later obtained a law degree from the University of Maryland School of Law. After completing her education, Alsobrooks gained legal experience by clerking in the Howard County and Baltimore City Circuit Courts before embarking on a career in public service.

Alsobrooks began her public service career as the first full-time Assistant State’s Attorney handling domestic violence cases in Prince George’s County. She made history as the youngest and first woman to be elected as the Prince George’s County State’s Attorney. During her tenure, she focused on reducing violent crime, which dropped by 50% under her leadership. She also established a pioneering unit to investigate and prosecute police and official misconduct.

In 2018, Alsobrooks was elected as the County Executive of Prince George’s County, becoming the first woman and the first Black woman to hold the position in Maryland’s history. In this role, she has concentrated on economic development, job creation, and educational investments, including the construction of 10 new schools. Her administration has also emphasized expanding access to healthcare, mental health services, and addiction treatment, while also enhancing public safety and youth outreach programs.

Alsobrooks’ platform reflects her deep commitment to the issues that have defined her career. She is focused on creating jobs, reducing the cost of living, improving healthcare, and strengthening education. She is also an advocate for women’s rights, including reproductive rights, and is committed to addressing the challenges faced by working families.

Alsobrooks lives in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, where she is raising her daughter. She remains deeply connected to her community, drawing on her personal and professional experiences to guide her policy positions and leadership style .


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