Now YOU can speed like Gov. Branstad is along for the ride!***

Branstad On Board

Follow the same rules of the road as Governor Branstad -- speed limits do not apply and traffic cameras can't send you tickets!*** Get your "Branstad on Board" sticker for a $3 suggested donation today!

***Of course no one should be able to disobey traffic laws, not even the Governor. His refusal to apologize or hold anyone in his administration accountable after his personal driver was caught speeding is an insult to those of us who have to follow the law.

The Governor has been criticized across the state for his failure to act:

Cedar Rapids Gazette: “The incident demands swift accountability. Issuing a ticket, paying a fine and moving on would get more public respect than excuses and foot-dragging.”

Des Moines Register: “Iowans want to have faith these officials are following the laws themselves. They want to know the Governor would not tolerate anything less.”

Quad-City Times: “This two-month-old incident does not have to be the biggest scandal of the governor’s career. But it will unless the governor speaks up and takes responsibility.”

Sioux City Journal: “Instead of a hands-off approach or excuses, the state’s chief executives should admit the speeding was unacceptable and pledge it won’t happen again.”

Email us for more information!

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