The Civilian Medical Resources Network offers medical and mental health services for active-duty military service members and veterans – one of very few non-military organizations that does so. Our work has proven helpful and sometimes even life-saving for those who feel they have nowhere else to turn.
Our health care professionals provide their work as volunteers to these service members free of charge. Your donations will help us in responding to the increasing needs of our military service members.
We remain committed to providing these services to those in need while also devoting our efforts toward changing the broader, structural sources of war, partly through outreach to organizations who are also struggling to achieve peace and justice around the world and partly through raising awareness of the many traumas of war. By offering a different outlook for under-served active and former military service members we see our work as a step toward peace with justice.
The Allende Program in Social Medicine is the 501c3 tax-exempt organization that helps by transferring your fully tax-deductible contribution to CMRN.