Fight back to beat Republicans and win a Democratic majority

We don't need to wait until 2016 to beat Republicans—there are important elections next month in Virginia, a crucial swing state.

In the state Senate, Democrats need just one seat to take back the chamber from the GOP. Meanwhile, Republicans have a commanding lead in the Virginia House of Delegates, 67-33. But here's the thing: President Barack Obama carried 48 of those 100 seats. Crazy, right? If we start making gains now, a majority will be in sight by the next round of redistricting.

Virginia is a key state for the GOP's gerrymander-protected U.S. House majority. It may be 2015, but we're already playing the 2020 redistricting game. By winning a little every election cycle, we can put Democrats in a position to beat back Republican attempts to gerrymander congressional seats in 2020.

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