Let's give ALL of our St. Louis students an education they can be proud of! There is much work to be done in our schools and across our city.
- STOP punishing students with suspension and felonies. We must END the school to prison pipeline!
Keep low-income families in their homes. Children with a stable home environment perform better on tests and develop stronger social skills.
Expand early childhood education hours for working families. Children need to begin basic learning with parents working all shifts.
- Lower property taxes for senior citizens and veterans, to keep more properties on the tax rolls funding our schools, NOT giving tax breaks to wealthy developers.
Prioritize our own teachers and parents to shape policy and curriculum — NOT the textbook, testing, and transportation industries.
Ensure internet access in the classroom and at home. Our City students need this powerful research tool to be globally competitive.
Address the basic needs of low-income students. Many of these bright youth face serious issues outside the classroom.
- Continue working to change heartless City policies that contribute to the social decline of our most marginalized citizens and students who are already struggling against a systemic current to get ahead.
Empower parents across the economic spectrum. We MUST stop equating poverty with apathy.
Be a full-time volunteer to bridge the gap for parents living in poverty by facilitating communication to teachers and administrators. Natalie is available 24 hours per day via phone or text as a point of contact between schools and parents.
Natalie Vowell: (314) 467-0127
- Natalie's work with Project Raise The Roof saves houses from being removed from the tax rolls (which fund our schools), and prevents families from becoming homeless.
- For 3 years, Natalie has joined 100 Black Men & Hot 104.1’s SWAG Tour to register over 200 high school voters, and speak on joining the political process.
Thank you for your support and continued commitment to The Political Revolution! #VoteVowell
With Love and Gratitude,