Portland Clean Air's mission is to improve our air quality by educating and activating people directly affected by toxic air emissions. By engaging with regulators and responsible entities, we advocate for real solutions to air pollution through participation in public processes.
Despite its green image, Portland ranks 3rd in the nation for census tracts at high risk for cancers caused by air pollution - only New York City and Los Angeles rank worse.
Portland Clean Air is the only organization doing direct, door-to-door mass outreach to inform the public and to recruit volunteers who share our vision of a truly green, sustainable city.
We develop campaigns targeting specific sources of pollution. Check out our website for fact sheets developed with editorial input from our local community activists.
Donations support our public record analysis and publication, direct mass outreach efforts,
and scientific monitoring ultimately to influence officeholders to crack down on pollution and to encourage candidates to discuss air quality as an issue.
Portland Clean Air is a registered Oregon Political Committee and all transactions (contributions and expenditures) are filed with the Secretary of State, but only those $100 or over become public records. Donations to Portland Clean Air up to $50 (or $100 filed jointly) are eligible for deduction by those with incomes under $100,000 (or $200,000 filed jointly) under the Oregon Political Tax Credit.
See http://oregontaxcredit.com/ for details and how to file for the credit on your tax forms.