Buy great gifts for your loved ones (and yourself) while supporting progressive movement building! All prices include postage and handling. All proceeds help Progressive Democrats of America elect progressive candidates, protect our rights under the current regime, and organize on critical issues. Order now!
contact with any questions
Union-made in USA , 3.6" x 11" matte bumper sticker
Eight We Want Bernie buttons(2 large, 2 small, 2 rainbow, 2 Feel the Bern), union-made in the USA,1 bumper sticker, 4 lapel stickers
Matte 3.25" x 10.75" bumper sticker, union-made in U.S.A.
Union-made in USA , 3.25" x 11" matte bumper sticker
Matte 3.25" x 11" bumper sticker, union-made in U.S.A.
Matte 3.25" x 11" bumper sticker union-made in USA.
Matte 2.5" x 11.5" bumper sticker union-made in USA.
Matte 3.25" x 11" bumper sticker union-made in USA.
Matte 3.25" x 11" bumper sticker, union-made in U.S.A.
Matte 3.5" x 7.5" union-made bumper sticker. Made in USA.
2" x 3.25" rectangular buttons union-made in USA.
The items on this page are being offered as a gift by Progressive Democrats of America in gratitude for a contribution at the designated level. The estimated shipping time for the gifts is in 1-2 weeks.
Progressive Democrats of America is solely responsible for producing and shipping your gift. If you have questions about your gift, please contact them at (217) 722-9665.