I never thought I’d see the day when a Senator from Massachusetts would talk about slashing Social Security and Medicare benefits before holding billionaire hedge fund managers accountable.
But here we are.
Yesterday, Scott Brown told a group of seniors (at private event that wasn’t open to the public) that Social Security and Medicate benefits could be slashed because of our current “financial emergency.”
Someone in the crowd asked the junior Senator if he would support asking millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share to get our fiscal house in order. Brown said no.
We need to replace Scott Brown.
We’re doing our best to make sure Massachusetts voters know about Scott Brown’s extreme ideological voting record. You can’t vote with Mitch McConnell nearly 90 percent of the time like Brown does and still claim you represent the people of the Commonwealth.
Will you help us make sure we have the resources to fight against Scott Brown’s well-funded spin machine? Money alone isn’t going to win this election, but a contribution of $50 right now would go a long way toward sending Scott Brown back to Wrentham.