SCOTUS Contest

Contribute to your favorite candidate on this page. 2 candidates will each get a $1,000 check from Blue America-- the one who gets the most individual contributors and the one who gets the most money. It's not a popularity contest. Each candidate has given us a short reaction to the Supreme Court ruling against Roe v Wade. Please contribute to the candidate or candidates whose reaction you like most. The full reactions from each candidate are all here:

These are sentence line versions:

Jason Call (WA): "This is an emergency, and it demands an emergency response that includes abolishing the filibuster, expanding the Supreme Court, and federally codifying the right to an abortion."

Brittany Ramos DeBarros (NY): "Friday’s Supreme Court decision is a clear call to elect fighters who will protect our rights at all costs."

Tom Nelson (WI): "The decision is a dark day for this country, more so for Wisconsin because we are one of a handful of states that will make abortion a crime, the penalty of which is up to 3 years in jail for doctors."

Lucas Kunce (MO): "This is a Big Brother attack on all of us, and we have to fight back; Congress must immediately end the filibuster and codify Roe v. Wade."

Alan Grayson (FL): "The right to control one’s own body is the most fundamental right of all and the President should add abortion to the list of care that health insurers are required to provide (like preexisting conditions), and he should do it now.”

Melanie D'Arrigo (NY): "Friday a corrupt SCOTUS sent a resounding message: extreme right wing ideology comes before decades of judicial precedent."

Steven Holden (NY): "When I get to Congress, I will, without a doubt, stoke the flames of progress, never back down, and never ever shut up; Republicans are not a reasonable or competent choice for Government at any level..."

Christine Olivo (FL): "No man, no religion and no government should have any jurisdiction over a woman’s body; it’s none of your business."

Neal Walia (CO): "We can abolish the filibuster, expand the Supreme Court, stop taking money from corporations who actively fund anti-choice votes; we can ACT."

Mark Neumann (WI): "The power of the state commits sexual abuse when it violates a person's body sovereignty and autonomy for reproductive choice; Medicare for All!”

Hank Linderman (KY): "Get ready to vote, help others get ready to vote, talk with friends and neighbors, encourage them to join you at local county party meetings, help pro-choice candidates get elected."

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. I am not a federal contractor.
  5. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.

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