Chip in $20.20 for 2020 to support Organizing Muslims to Win and all our work!
Muslim Caucus is setting up dozens of canvassing offices in the key battleground states across the country to Mobilize Muslims. We are prioritizing the needs and interests of the multi-racial, multi-ethnic Muslim people of color who are America’s working families and the key to victories in battleground states up and down the ballot nationwide. We will be recruiting and training staff and volunteers NOW.
What comes next? We start educating and training our communities to Mobilize to Win.
If American Muslims are going to pursue a long-term strategy, we need to organize and act strategically. Let’s build on the momentum we created in Iowa and mobilize Muslims.
We’re planning to reach thousands of voters in key battleground states before the general election on November 3rd. That’s not going to be easy, and with your support, we’ve got a plan to make it happen:
1. Launch dozens of canvassing efforts throughout key battleground states, because we know that early infrastructure is the key to scaling up for the general election.
2. Train community members, staff and volunteers to organize throughout the election cycle. We are investing in our people early so that they are able to have the most effective conversations possible.
3. Mobilize those community members, staff and volunteers to be effective canvassers -- knocking on millions of doors across the country to persuade voters and get out the vote. Face to face conversations are the best way to persuade new, low propensity, and drop off voters and turn them out to vote. We need to rely on the best canvassing practices and massive scale.
4. Ensure the greatest multiracial, multicultural American Muslim constituency turnout in the history of the United States.
Post-November we will have well trained well organized agile infrastructure ready to take action for anything impacting our communities. We are building one of the most critical components to a truly equitable grassroots movements our country has ever seen. We have the opportunity to make an impact at this moment.
This is a beautiful vision, vision cost money. We need to raise $50,000 in grassroots contributions by Super Tuesday, will you help us -- Since the Iowa Caucus we've raised $10,000 to fund our efforts. We need to be fully funded to ensure we reach our goals. A well-resourced effort allows us to secure the tools, staff, training necessary to guarantee success in November.
None of us can succeed alone, together we can achieve success and change history!. We’re up against a lot of entrenched interest with a lot of money focused on spreading hate and fear of the Muslim community, othering us in our own country.
Chip in $20.20 for 2020 to support Organizing Muslims to Win Today!