2011 TSDC Conference

SECOND BIENNIAL STATEWIDE CONFERENCE Saturday, March 5 and Sunday, March 6, 2011 Hilton Garden Inn Austin Downtown 500 North IH-35 Austin, Texas 78701


The Texas Stonewall Democratic Caucus (TSDC) invites you to attend our Second Biennial Statewide Conference in Austin on Saturday, March 5 and Sunday, March 6, 2011! The Conference will feature dynamic speakers, workshop training sessions, plenary sessions, networking opportunities and presentations of awards. You can find a Tentative Schedule for the Conference at www.texasstonewalldemocrats.org.


The Regular Registration Rate for the conference is $75 and includes admission to all sessions, the Saturday luncheon, Saturday cocktail reception and Sunday brunch.

The Limited Registration Rate is $50 and includes admission to all workshop training and plenary sessions, but does not include the Saturday luncheon, Saturday night cocktail reception and Sunday brunch.

Please register here through Act Blue. You may also print out and complete the registration form on our website and mail with your check or money order payable to the Texas Stonewall Democratic Caucus to: Shaun Nelson, TSDC Treasurer, 6008 Tyne Street, Houston, TX 77007.


TSDC has secured a block of rooms at the Hilton Garden Inn for Friday night, March 4, Saturday night, March 5 and Sunday night, March 6 (for those who wish to participate in Lobby Day on Monday, March 7). The special group rate for these rooms is $109/night (not including local taxes) for a queen-queen or king. DEADLINE FOR HOTEL RESERVATIONS UNDER THIS ROOM BLOCK IS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10! To reserve your room, click on this link: http://hiltongardeninn.hilton.com/en/gi/groups/personalized/A/AUSGIGI-TSD-20110304/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG, or call 1-800-684-7250 (toll free) or 512-480-8181 (local number) and ask for the “Texas Stonewall Democratic Caucus” discount rate.


In an effort to keep registration fees low, we are seeking sponsors to help underwrite the costs of this Conference. We anticipate that total conference expenses will be approximately $9,000. Sponsorships are available for $1,000, $500, $250 or $100. If you or your club would like to be a sponsor, donate here through our Act Blue account or mail your check payable to the Texas Stonewall Democratic Caucus to: Shaun Nelson, TSDC Treasurer, 6008 Tyne Street, Houston, TX 77007. Call Dan Graney at 210-494-7442 for more information about sponsorships.

If you cannot attend the Conference but would like to sponsor a young person or another LGBT Democrat to attend, please print this registration form and mail it in with your check.


Equality Texas sponsors a Lobby Day every legislative session to give LGBT Texans and their allies an opportunity to meet with their state legislators at the State Capitol and speak with them about issues affecting equality for LGBT Texans. In 2011, Lobby Day will take place on Monday, March 7. Equality Texas will be hosting a reception Sunday evening at a place yet to be determined and all Lobby Day activities, including a training, will take place on Monday at the State Capitol only blocks away from our hotel. We encourage as many of you as possible to participate in Lobby Day. More details on Lobby Day will be forthcoming as soon as we receive them from Equality Texas.


Check-in for the Conference will begin at 8:00 AM on Saturday, March 5. There will be a meeting of the TSDC Executive Board beginning at 10:00 AM that morning. The Conference will officially kick off with the Welcoming Luncheon on Saturday at noon followed by workshop training and plenary sessions in the afternoon. There will be a cocktail reception in the 18th Floor restaurant of the hotel with gorgeous views of downtown Austin on Saturday evening and the rest of that evening is free. On Sunday, there will be morning workshop training and plenary sessions. The Conference will conclude with the Awards Brunch. Equality Texas will host a Lobby Day reception at the hotel beginning at 5:30 pm, but you must sign up for Lobby Day to attend that event. Stay tuned for more details about the Sunday evening reception.

COME TO AUSTIN ON MARCH 5 AND MEET OTHER LGBT AND ALLIED TEXAS DEMOCRATS AS WE CHART OUR FUTURE FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS! For further information, contact Daniel Graney at 210-494-7442 or e-mail him at dcgraney@yahoo.com

Political Ad Paid For By Texas Stonewall Democratic Caucus. TSDC is a registered Political Committee (PAC). See http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/tedd/paclistc.htm for details.

You will receive an email acknowledgment when your registration/sponsorship is processed.

Select your tickets below.

30.00 each

35.00 each

50.00 each

75.00 each

100.00 each

250.00 each

500.00 each

1,000.00 each

Total due today


Your contribution will benefit Texas Stonewall Democratic Caucus.


Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
  4. I am at least eighteen years old.

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.