Featuring: Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy III and other elected Democratic leaders including Massachusetts Democratic Party Chair Tom McGee and Newton Mayor Setti Warren
Honoring: Reverend Howard Haywood Pastor Emeritus, Myrtle Baptist Church
Sunday, October 5, 2013, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. American Legion Post 440 295 California Street, Nonantum
Lead sponsors: Senator Cindy Creem, Representative Ruth Balser, Representative Kay Khan, Shawn Fitzgibbons, Maria Manning, Sharon Stout, Lynne Sweet and Tom Rezendes, Frank Wolpe
Supporters: Angela Abraham, Hannah Banks, Audrey Cooper, Alderwoman Ruthanne Fuller, Arthur and Marian Glasgow, School Committee Member Diana Fisher Gomberg, Daniel Habtemariam, Rev. Howard Haywood, Barbara John, Andrea Kelley, Ken and Carol Krems, Phillip and Lemlem McCrary, Arthur and Judith Obermayer, John and Dorothy Reichard, Herb Robinson, Don Ross
Donors: Mark and Jane Alpert, Bryan and Claudia Barash, Alderman Lisle Baker, Kate Bazinsky, Alderwoman Barbara Brousal-Glaser, Larry Bressler, Dan Clifford, Marcia Cooper, Sheila Decter, Governor's Councillor Marilyn DeVaney, Mitch Fischman, Lorenz Glaser, Mary Rose Greenough, Dana Hanson, Alderman Ted Hess-Mahan, Steven Hoffman, Carmelita Johnson, Alderwoman Marcia Johnson, Joan and Dan Kunitz, Beatrice Lane, Ena Lorant, Priscilla Leith, George Mansfield, Josephine McNeil, Alderwoman Emily Norton, Marion and David Pollock, Peter and Rachel Rosenbaum, School Committee Member Margie Ross Decter, David and Linda Shapiro, Sondra Shick, John Stewart, Alderman Brian Yates
Your support will help benefit the 2014 Newton Dems Victory Fund which will be critical as we work to re-elect Ed Markey and ensure that all our executive offices in Massachusetts remain blue. Thank you for your support.
Shawn Fitzgibbons and Sharon Stout Co Chairs of the NDCC