This election is not just between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, but a battle for the soul of our nation. Even if Joe wins, a Republican Majority in the senate will stifle Joe’s legislative agenda and continue to push Trump’s policies. Those policies are racist and xenophobic, often directly at odds with science and research, counterproductive to creating a just society for all, and will hamper America’s ability to prosper economically. Not all of the Senators listed here are as rabid as some of the more extreme ones, but every one of them has shown themselves to be willing to sell out the American people if it meant appeasing Trump. Not a single one of them stood up in the face of Trump’s destructive presidency. It is our civic, moral, and religious duty to do everything we can to prevent that from happening. #BidenHarris2020!
South Carolina: Lindsey Graham
The Ultimate Definition of an Amoral Sellout
Trump Score: 87.2
Please watch:
Latest polls:
Harrison 44%, Graham 47%
Harrison 44%, Graham 44%
Harrison 43%, Graham 44%
Link to Harrison positions:
Colorado: Cory Gardner
Trump Score: 89.1
Latest polls:
Hickenlooper 48%, Gardner 42%
Link to Hickenlooper positions:
North Carolina: Thom Tillis
Trump Score: 93.4
Latest Polls:
Cunningham 41%, Tillis 38%
Cunningham 44%, Tillis 41%
Link to Cal Cunningham positions:
Georgia: David Perdue
Trump Score: 94.8
Latest polls:
Ossoff 41%, Perdue 44%
Ossoff 42%, Perdue 39%
Link to Ossoff Positions:
Iowa: Joni Ernst
Trump Score: 91.1
Latest polls:
Greenfield 45%, Ernst 43%
Greenfield 47%, Ernst 48%
Greenfield 45%, Ernst 48%
Link to Greenfield positions:
Link to stances on Israel of Democratic Senate candidates: