2024 Tejas NACCS Foco Conference

Donate to Student Scholarships to the 2024 NACCS Tejas Foco and National Conferences

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NACCS Tejas Foco 2024

"50 Years: The Legacy of NACCS and its Changing Landscape, 1974-2024"

Dear Community:

We are SomosMAS/Mexican American Studies Yanaguana/San Antonio, Tejas, a local network of Mexican American Studies professors, educators and advocates who meet once a month to promote, grow, and sustain MAS programs at our colleges and universities; amplify collaboration across our institutions; and develop strategies for the implementation of MAS and other Ethnic Studies courses in Texas schools from Pre-K through 12th grades.

Over the years, we’ve established Associate of Arts Degrees in MAS at Alamo Colleges, and articulation agreements with four-year universities. We’ve also organized statewide summits in support of MAS in K-12 schools, and have raised scholarship monies to help send undergraduate students to the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies (NACCS) national and statewide conferences.

This year, NACCS will be hosting their Tejas Foco statewide conference on March 7-9, 2024 at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas, followed by their national conference, April 24-27, in San Francisco, California.

We are soliciting donations for the SomosMAS Student Scholarship Fund during the month of February, 2024, which will help offset the costs of conference registration fees, air/ground transportation, and lodging/food for Mexican American Studies students, so that they can present their research, connect with other folks in Chicanx Studies at these conferences, and build community.

For those who can, please donate. We thank you in advance for supporting MAS students and Mexican American and other Ethnic Studies programs and courses in Texas and across the nation.

As an added incentive, the top 5 contributors to this SomosMAS Student Scholarship GoFundMe Campaign will receive a special SomosMAS gift package that will include SomosMAS t-shirts, stickers, books and other goodies.

Gracias, again, for your contribution, and blessings of health and happiness for you and your familias.

To all our relations/Tewahayo nah’o k’tu, SomosMAS/Mexican American Studies Yanaguana/San Antonio, Tejas

For more info:

Somos MAS Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SomosMASSATX/

The Latino Texas Policy Center is serving as the fiduciary sponsor for Somos MAS and thus providing the 501c3 status so that all donations made to this scholarship fund are considered charitable contributions and thus are tax deductible.


NACCS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/50-years-the-legacy-of-naccs-and-its-changing-landscape-1974-2024-registration-809213929647

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