Help us celebrate Kavod's 18th (chai!!) birthday by becoming a member and growing our community's capacity to work towards a more liberated, connected, and safe world for all! Give today as a first-time member or with a renewed commitment to being part of this shared project.
Kavod membership dues consist of a "half-shekel" (base rate) of $36 plus a "nediv lev" (gift of the heart), an additional contribution at your financial capacity. (If the $36 half-shekel is not accessible to you, please contribute whatever you are able). More info on Kavod membership here.
How do you decide how much to give?
Note: Donations by check can be made out to our 501(c)3 Fiscal Sponsor: Social Good Fund, memo “Kavod" and mailed to Social Good Fund, P.O. Box 5473, Richmond, CA, 94805.