WE ARE CHANGING THE FACE OF OAKLAND POLITICS! Donate today to support our work!

WE ARE CHANGING THE FACE OF OAKLAND POLITICS! Donate today to support our work!

CAN YOU HELP JESSAMYN RAISE $35K FOR OAKLAND RISING ACTION IN FIVE DAYS? Invest in building the political power of working-class people of color in the Town!

Hey Friends and Family,


This year is a critical opportunity for us to change the face of Oakland politics, and we're already rocking it! We are strengthening the ability of the Town, the Bay and California to advance racial, economic and environmental justice for our people - working-class people of color and immigrants - the heart of Oakland.

This year we're running our own candidates, pushing forward our own ballot initiatives and policies locally and statewide, and building our people power to win concrete gains!

Will you join me in giving to Oakland Rising Action, as we fight for the very soul of our city, our state and our country in the midst of a void of strong moral and political leadership. Will you contribute toward my goal and help fund Oakland’s biggest voter outreach operation?

Oakland Rising Action has a model of building community power that works and results in wins. Since 2010, we have built a base of over 62,000 supportive voters - that’s over 25% of all Oakland voters! And our 1-on-1 conversations with voters get the goods. In fact, our work increases voter turnout by 10% amongst people with whom we spoke! That is what flexing political power looks like, and it’s HUGE since many races are decided by just a few hundred votes. Using this model, we were able to help pass expanded renter protections for Oaklanders in 2016 (Measure JJ) and so much more.


Will you give to our 2018 election work by making a donation now?

As an organization representing Oakland residents who believe in racial, economic, and environmental justice, Oakland Rising Action operates from the same values as us -- inclusion, fairness, transformation, love and liberation. Now is the time to support our work to magnify the voices of our community and bring a true moral and political compass back to Oakland and beyond. I hope you will join me in throwing down for the Town!


So, what do you say? Are you ready to fuel the change you want the Town to see? Please consider:

  • $500 for the 500+ Oakland voters they will speak to each day leading up to elections
  • $250 towards recruiting 250 volunteers in 2018
  • $100 for the hundreds of signatures we're collecting to qualify crucial issues like the Schools Funding Act (schoolfundingnow.com) for the fall ballot
  • $50 which is about dollar a week for the year
  • $25 for each of the 25+ precincts in which they’ll knock on doors
  • $10 because you believe in our work!

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.