47th District Democrats (WA)

Donations and Membership to the 47th District Democrats

Become a member or supporter of the 47th District Democrats:

  • Individual Membership $25
  • Family Membership $47
  • Senior/Student/Low Income $10

Donations from individuals who are registered to vote and/or reside inside the 47th are “Members” and have speaking & voting rights on district business that is not restricted to Precinct Committee Officers only.

Donations from individuals who aren’t Members of the 47th are “Supporters” and have speaking rights on most general business. The 47th may not accept donations originating from non-Members outside the United States.

You can also set up a recurring donation of $10, $25, or $47 each month if you would like to grow our program! Your contributions help us elect Democrats locally.

As 47th LD Democrats, we wish to encourage participation in both government and this organization. If your situation prevents you from paying dues at this time, please contact us to request a confidential waiver: Contact Us!

Sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter: Subscribe Today!

Choose an amount:

Your contribution will benefit 47th District Democrats (WA).
Make it monthly!


Contribution rules

  1. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
  2. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
47th District Democrats PO Box 5186, Kent, WA 98064-5186 Chair Catherine Williams, https://47thdistrictdemocrats.org

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