Please join Speaker Brian Egolf & Kelly Egolf
for a campaign fundraising kickoff for
Heather Berghmans
Candidate for NM Senate District 15
Along with Hosts & Co-Hosts
Jim & Suzanne Gollin,
House Majority Whip Reena Szczepanski,
Marianna Anaya, Shana & Mark Baker, Beth Beloff & Marc Geller, Pam Coleman, Bekki & John Cook, Amanda Cooper, Bruce Donnell, Karen & Stephen Durkovich, Richard Ellenberg & Margaret Wood, Daymon Ely & Cynthia Fry, Frank Katz & Consuelo Bokum, Anne & Loren Kieve, Julianna Koob, Diana MacArthur, Steve McConnell & Shirley Fiske, Randi McGinn, David Smoak & Charity Townsend, Nick Voges, and more to come!
Thursday, October 5, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
At the Egolf's home in Santa Fe
Address available upon RSVP
If you prefer, checks should be made out to
Heather for NM Senate.
PO Box 35267, Albuquerque, NM 87176