Jobs With Justice Education Fund

Join the Advancing Black Strategists Initiative!

Calling all Black Strategists…become a contributing member of the Advancing Black Strategists Initiative today. Contributing members of ABSI have a chance to network with other Black strategists as they pursue careers in the labor and economic justice sphere, and to support each other as they face challenges in this work. Member benefits include regular meetings and webinars, trainings and fellowships, mentorship opportunities, access to job postings and research/publication opportunities, and the chance to network with other Black strategists in this field. Your contribution is vital to our ability to grow and strengthen this initiative.

Choose your level of contributing membership:

  • Emerging Black Strategists: $25 annually
  • Black Strategist: $7-$15 per month
  • Founding Black Strategist: $25 per month

*ABSI is a project of Jobs With Justice Education Fund (JWJEF). Contributions will be collected and disbursed by JWJEF, which is a 501c3 tax deductible organization. Your contribution will be tax deductible.