49th Annual Democratic Unity Dinner
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Reception 6:00 p.m., Dinner 7:30 p.m.
Oakland Airport Hilton
1 Hegenberger Road
Oakland CA 94621
Join Democratic elected officials and Democratic Party, labor, and community leaders to support Democrats in the year ahead.
Individual Tickets:
$175 Door Ticket (Subject to availability)
$150 Regular Ticket (September 9-27 or until sold out)
$100 Early Bird Ticket (available only through midnight, Sunday, September 8)
Select individual tickets below.
Individual Sponsorships:
Patron: $1,000
2 event tickets
Logo on Step-and-Repeat Banner
Logo Recognition in Program
Logo Recognition on Event Site/Social/Email
10 Raffle tickets
Confirm by 9/16/19
Advocate: $600
2 event tickets
Logo Recognition in Program
Logo Recognition on Event Site/Social/Email
Confirm by 9/16/19
Ally: $400
2 event tickets
Name Recognition in Program
Name Recognition on Event Site/Social/Email
Confirm by 9/16/19
Friend: $200
1 event ticket
Name Recognition in Program
Name Recognition on Event Site/Social/Email
Confirm by 9/16/19
Select sponsorships below. Once complete, please contact us at unitydinner@gmail.com with your guest list and logo or name, depending on sponsorship level. Please confirm by 9/16/19 to ensure inclusion in event materials.
Paid for by Alameda County Democratic Central Committee and not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Your Individual Ticket or Sponsorship will benefit the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee Federal Account: FEC # C00375279. Please contact us at unitydinner@gmail.com to make a non-federal contribution.
Make checks payable to the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee. Contributions to the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Your contribution will be used in connection with federal elections and is subject to the limitations and prohibitions of the Federal Election Campaign Act. Contributions used in connection with federal elections are limited to $10,000 (Limit shared with California Democratic Party) per calendar year. Federal Law requires us to report the name, address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.