Yes, ALABAMA. We are moving into Alabama for the first time. We are so excited to include you as Ride2Vote Hub Sponsor.
Thanks to an exciting partnership with Vote Huntsville, we are going to help Alabama Voters get their Ride2Vote.
Your support today ensures Rideshare2Vote Aware services voters requesting a Ride2Vote, Ride2BallotBox or a Ride2Cure.
In the name of promoting voter turnout, building community engagement and protecting our democracy our Ride2Vote Program gives every voter a safe, round trip Ride2Vote with a driver trained to assist when needed.
With your investment today you can know a Ride2Vote Hub is opened in targeted areas to best serve voters who are registered but non voting, or have a crisis that they need assistance with transport for the election. Your donation goes directly to:
Thank you, again, for your generosity as we work to save our democracy as the Nation's only Ride2Vote service.
You may choose to sponsor as many hubs as you want.
(One hub serves an area about a 30 minute round trip drive time.)
Thank you for choosing the Rideshare2Vote Aware Team to invest in our Democracy 2024.