Alex Spehr

Donate to Alex Spehr for EBMUD Board of Directors Ward 5!

For a cleaner bay, donate today!

Alex Spehr, because I care!

What is EBMUD?

East Bay Municipal Utility District. They are responsible for our great tasting water and our sewage.


I'm a long time boater and environmental enthusiast. When we had our mass fish die-off, I wanted to do more than just count the dead fish on iNaturalist.

It turns out that one action we can take is to lower the amount of nutrients we put into the SF Bay during wastewater discharges, giving us a cleaner Bay. I will encourage EBMUD to do this faster than legally required, because the fish can't wait.

But why you? Are you qualified?

If being qualified means sitting around talking and smoozing with lobbyists, then no, I'm not qualified.

But I've done various advocacy work and I've followed and been engaged in the political process on things like Alameda's housing element (first in the state to pass!), bike lanes and pedestrian safety, native plants in city plantings, etc.

I was a physics major in college, and I've taken graduate level classes in climate change and environmental engineering, so I can read a technical paper and I know the lingo.

There's also a lot of land to manage as part of the watershed, and I've spent a lot of my free time learning about native plants. There's a big trend in botany now to involve indigenous voices - I want more indigenous local East Bay voices involved.

As a parent, I want a better world for my kid. Let's do it!

Find me on social media under alex4alameda (county!).

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. I am at least eighteen years old.
  3. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.

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