Aliya has dedicated her life to public education. She has over 10 years of experience in education working or on policies that impact schools. In 2020, she became the first Muslim person elected in the history of San Francisco.
As Chair of Student Success and Policy, Aliya led the process to eliminate $2 million dollars in student debt for over 14,000 students. As a trustee seeking re-election for November 2024, Aliya sees it as her responsibility to ensure that City College continues to serve the San Francisco community by maintaining a balanced budget, reaffirming accreditation, and prioritizing student success.
Please chip in to support Aliya's people-powered grassroots campaign!
If you would like to donate via check, please make your check payable to "Aliya Chisti for City College Board 2024" and mailed to:
View Avenue Group
Attn: Aliya Chisti for City College Board 2024
393 - 7th Avenue, Suite 301
San Francisco, CA 94118