Sure, we can all have a laugh at anti-democratic politicians and corrupt institutions, but if we don’t do something, we’ll all go laughing straight to the fall of the American republic.
Your gift will go to supporting satirical campaigns that mock extremist politicians and big-money political organizations.
We run campaigns like, where we lampoon deranged Republican nominee for NC Governor Mark Robinson (including the page, where we provide receipts of his atrocious statements). We also have political comedy destinations like, which offers satirical articles and essays from the POV of a corrupt dark money entity.
We may not be able to outspend the bad guys, but if we can shine a light on their disgusting exploits, we can beat them. We can even use zinging political comedy to reach people who are typically isolated within either conservative or liberal media silos. But we can’t zing without you. Won’t you please help us zing?
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©2024 by A4PP Inc. All rights reserved. A4PP Inc. owns Americans for Prosparody, a real Super PAC parodying PACs and candidates, and is not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.