AT&T is one of the largest cellular providers and is actively helping to bring down our democracy, legitimize white nationalists, and drain Black people’s wealth. It continues to grow its monopoly by acquiring assets, such as DirecTV. This has given AT&T too much power to share our data, determine what we watch on TV and online, and enable white nationalists. AT&T’s monopoly also reaps billions of dollars, which it then uses to financially support entities that actively harm Black people, such as police foundations.
Bad policies have led to unwieldy monopolies, but we have the power to dismantle them. Black communities have long dealt with the realities of monopolies and anti-competitive businesses. Because of that, our needs must be addressed by including racial justice equities in antitrust reform. Antitrust laws must go beyond race-neutral enforcement. We need solutions that take into account our experiences.
Color Of Change has been advocating for accountability from monopolies for years. AT&T is an example of why maintaining strong regulations and providing enforcers with resources are necessary after monopolies are broken up. Contribute to Color Of Change’s work in this fight against monopolies.