Homestead E.R.A. Support Fund

Saludos Communidad:

Si ustedes han sido impactados positivamente por nuestra organization en el pasado, ahora es el moment de poder apoyarnos a nosotros. Como saben, el nuevo Presidente Trump promete deportar a mas gente que nunce, separar a nuestra communidad de sus familias, y continuar a criminalizar a gente en nuestra communidad por simples infracciones como manjenado sin licensia. Nosotros en Homestead E.R.A. siempre hemos donado nuestros esfuerzos, recursos, y resistencia en contra de cualquier persona que se pocisione en contra de nosotros y nuestra familias. Desde el 2012, por ejemplo, ayudamos a mas de 1,000 estudiantes en nuestra communidad aplicar y renovar su DACA. Tambien hemos presentado nuestro apoyo y accion al ir a Washington D.C. multiples de veces para abogar por nuestra communidad. Ahora necesitamos de ustedes.

Queremos nosotros crear un "Fondo" para poder mejor asistir y apoyar a nuestra communidad con una variedad de servicios incluyendo:
- Entrenamientos de "Conosca sus Derechos"
- Entrenamientos de la nueva politica sobre immigracion
- El poder permitirse uno o dos organizadores ser pagados por trabajar mas de 25 horas cada semana
- Realizar mas entrenamientos sobre cosecha
- Liderar nuestros servicios online en una manera mas optima y eficiente
- Organizar iglesias, organiciones, negocios locales, escuelas , mas para unirnos para el 1ro de Mayo y en adelante
- Asistir en la creacion de sanctuarios en nuestra communidad
- Y mucho mas que ustedes ya saben que hacemos por nuestra communidad.

Porfavor compartan este mensaje y por favor done lo que pueda hacia nuestra causa


GreetingsCommunity: If you have been positively impacted by our organization in thepast, now is the moment to be able to support us. As you know, the newPresident Trump promises to deport more people than ever, to separate ourcommunity from their families, and to continue to criminalize people in ourcommunity for simple infractions like driving without a license. We at HomesteadE.R.A., have always donated our efforts, resources, and resistance, when possible, againstanyone or any political party who places themselves against us and our families. Since 2012, for example,we have helped more than 1,000 students in our community apply and renew theirDACA. We have also presented our support and action to Washington D.C. Multipletimes to advocate for our community. Now we need your support! We want to create a"Fund" to better assist and support our community with a variety ofservices including:

- Know Your Rights Training

- Immigration Policy Workshops

- Being able to afford one or two part-time organizers to invest themselves deeper than our volunteers

- Perform more trainings on Movimiento Cosecha

- Leading ouronline services in a more efficient and efficient way

- Organize churches,organizations, local businesses, schools, more to join us on May 1st and beyond

- Assist in the creation of sanctuaries in our community

- And much morethat you already know that we do for our community.

Please share this messageand please donate what you can to our cause

Contribution rules

  1. Charitable donations made through this form are received and processed by ActBlue Charities, Inc., a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization formed to democratize charitable giving, and are subject to ActBlue’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The merchant of record for this transaction is ActBlue Charities, Inc. We subsequently give your contribution to the organization or cause that you have selected on the contribution form within 30 days. A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained by contacting us at or calling (617) 517-7600. Alternatively, our report detailing our programs, a financial summary, and the percentage of contributions dedicated to our charitable purpose, along with a copy of our license, may be obtained from the following state agencies: FLORIDA (registration #CH46938) – A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE, 1-800-435-7352 (800-HELP-FLA) WITHIN THE STATE OR VISITING; GEORGIA (registration #CH012361) – contact ActBlue Charities; MARYLAND (registration #29971) – For the cost of copies and postage, documents and information filed under the Maryland charitable organizations laws can be obtained from the Office of the Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401; MISSISSIPPI (registration #100024326) – Secretary of State’s Office 1-888-236-6167; NEW JERSEY (registration #CH3867000) – INFORMATION FILED WITH THE ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICITATION AND THE PERCENTAGE OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHARITY DURING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD THAT WERE DEDICATED TO THE CHARITABLE PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING (973) 504-6215 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT; NEW YORK (registration #45-25-27) – New York Attorney General’s Charities Registry at or, the Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau, 28 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10005, or (212) 416-8686; NORTH CAROLINA (registration #SL009830) – FINANCIAL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS ORGANIZATION AND A COPY OF ITS LICENSE ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE STATE SOLICITATION LICENSING BRANCH AT 1-888-830-4989.; PENNSYLVANIA (registration #104758) – Department of State, 800-732-0999; VIRGINIA – Virginia State Office of Consumer Affairs, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services, PO Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218; WASHINGTON (registration #37969) – Secretary of State, Charities Division, Olympia, WA 98504-0422, 800-332-4483; WEST VIRGINIA (registration #9826) – Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305; WISCONSIN (registration #16203-800) – contact ActBlue Charities. Registration with and reporting to these agencies does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation of ActBlue Charities.
  2. By making a contribution, you attest that the contribution is made from your own funds or the funds of an authorizing corporation or other entity, and the funds are not being provided by any other person or entity.

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