Join us and support Congresswoman Maxine Waters on Sunday, April 29th from 3pm-5pm in Studio City (address provided upon RSVP)
hosted by
Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali
Mark Amin
David Bohnett
Lisa & Michael Butler
Andrea & Fred Fenster
Karren Gantswig & Howard Welinsky
Hon. Wendy Greuel
Dina LaPolt
Grover McKean
Brenda Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sadler
Nate Shutman
Kay Sides
(host committee in formation)
Sponsor $5400 | Patron $2700
Family: $1000 | Supporter: $500 | Friend: $250
To RSVP or if you have any questions, please contact Jeff Larivee at or (202) 821-5203.