Women's bodily autonomy is under attack. Every day new state legislatures are passing laws restricting women's access to critical health services in direct challenge to Roe v Wade.
We can fight back but a broad based attack requires a broad based response. So where do we begin?
There are incredible organizations, national and grassroots who protect and support women in making their own choices for their bodies, their health and their lives. They provide direct service, fight legal cases, mobilize activists, protect clinics, and so much more. These organizations need our support now more than ever.
The Autonomy Fund
The Autonomy Fund is a comprehensive solution for those that want to support organizations working across the spectrum of women's health services but are overwhelmed by the choices and need.
With one click you can support:
Grassroots Orgs:
Your donation will be split evenly between all of the organizations or you can divide up your gift as you see fit.
When you support The Autonomy Fund you are helping build the armor, shield and spear for the long fight ahead.
Thank you,
The Autonomy Fund Founding Supporters:
Julie Hermelin, Sarah Vaill, Shana Weiss, Allison Abner, AnnaLea Arnold, Lindsay Berger Sacks, Ron Baldwin, Helen Eigenberg, Amanda Fairey, Susan Genco, Ellen Goldsmith Vein, Francine Hermelin, Jenji Kohan, Jennifer Levin, Heidi Lindelof, Damon Lindelof, Paula Litt, Mary Ann Marino, Susan McPherson, Ramona Orley, Tessa Petrich, Lanette Phillips, Joy Ray, Tiffany Shlain, Heidi Segal, Nina Tassler and Sarah Timberman.
Art Work Credit: Tae Phoenix
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