We're making positive changes in Blanco County through our progressive values of healthy families, equal opportunity, and good government.
Contributions from monthly Sustaining Memberships are spent on voter outreach in Blanco County. All members receive detailed information about our progress twice annually. Please review the monthly plans below and join us!
Sustaining Membership Levels and Benefits
Sustaining: $10/month, $16/couple. Includes free admission to Party Like a Democrat.
Builder: $25/month, $40/per couple. Free admission to Party Like a Democrat + Discounted admission to the Chairman's Cocktail Party with special guest.
Investor: $50/month, $80/couple. Free admission to Party Like a Democrat ticket(s) + Free admission to the Chairman's Cocktail Party
Leader: $75/month, $100/couple (note: enter $100 in Other Amount). Free admission to Party Like a Democrat + Free Admission to the Chairman's Cocktail Party + Program Recognition.
One-Time Donations: We appreciate every donation! To make a one-time donation select a pre-set or Other amount and donate once.