Four years ago, Black women headed to the polls with more force and fervor than any other demographic group in our country. We were instrumental in electing President Barack Obama--twice. The past two election cycles have proven our power and our strength in numbers, and we are ready to help mobilize our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends in the next round.
We stand poised to center any electoral discussion that happens over the next 11 months on the issues that are most important to Black women, like quality jobs, affordable health care and affordable education. As the only Black-led national organization in the country who can do political campaigning, this is our responsibility. But in order to do that, we will need your help. We have big plans for next year, including get out the vote efforts that focus on Black women and hosting a virtual town hall to discuss Black women’s issues in the next election. This is an ambitious undertaking for us, and we need your help. Can you donate $15 to help us reach our goal?