Black Lives Matter Boise Chapter (BLM Boise) began May 31, 2020 in response to the killing of George Floyd. BLM Boise is a social and environmental justice organization lead by critical criminologists, data scientists, social scientists. We are a collective of city officials, healthcare workers, musicians, athletes, and influencers.
We are a coalition of antifascists supporting a Black queer feminist perspective seeking to help the Black Lives Matter Global Network (BLMGN) meet their ideological goals by brining this recent historical movement transforming it into a critical criminological think-tank.
Currently, BLM Boise is conducting research surrounding policing but not limited to environmental justice issues; an analysis of armament during police killings and we found Black unarmed women were more likely to be shot and killed than white armed men (Wilson, 2021) despite white men being significantly more likely to be armed, but also more likely to use a weapon in the commission of a crime.
We look forward to sharing our findings in a 17 year study on Stop-and-Frisk or Terry Stops, which aims to challenge contemporary policing as counterproductive.
We are currently conducting several studies of policing and water contamination from a microspatial/microgeographic using geographic information systems (gis) to observe complex phenomena. The goal of examining these complex issues from a public health perspective is to reduce iniquities by establishing as a source of critical information to the general public.
The mission is to establish accountability to state regulators, corporations, and policing whereby quantitative data has been nonexistent or unobserved. The significance of our Chapter is as such; research shapes policy and pocky shapes society. We are on the front-lines in the war for humanity.