Contribute Now to Blue Cowboys


I come to you with a twang in my voice, a song in my heart, and a twinkle in my eye: we're seeing strides bein' made here within our party IN Texas that can only make us who live in the Panhandle say one thing: YEEEEHAW!

I write from Amarillo, but contributing through BlueCowboys gives YOU the opportunity to be what a cowboy really is. Read on.

Recent activity from the Texas Democratic Party in Amarillo, along with every poll, show us that not only is Texas at the precipice of Turning Blue AGAIN, but that ALL of our major cities, including our beloved "Yellow Rose," are very much BIG Ole Blue Cities of Texas-sized proportions!

What keeps us from reflecting that beautiful "blueness" and turning our cities and our state Blue on the map?

Well, folks, two reasons.

The first: Republican Propaganda. "Propaganda" is the "nice" word. But we all know what it really is: a big ole steamin' pile of that stuff we can all smell here from the cattle yards.

This "propaganda" has permeated Texas culture: "It's a Red State." (lie) Your vote as a Democrat doesn't count. (bigger lie) Your "blue" will be a lonely fish in a large sea of "red." (Palo Duro Canyon sized lie)

Like me I'm sure you've heard it all. It's discouraging.

But it's also not reality. It's a way for Republicans to keep us silent.

Is "silent" how a West Texan lives?

It was hard to write that question with a straight face: we know it would never be asked here in Amarillo. The idea is laughable.

Here in Amarillo we don't KNOW what "silent" means.

So, two small but important goals for us REAL people in Amarillo:

First: making sure that all Texas Democrats, especially those of us in Potter and Randall counties, register and VOTE to buck this ridiculous belief and prove it to be the big lie it is.

Drive your friends to the polling place if you have to.

I have a big F150 that can carry a lotta people. And a lot of us do!

Let's not leave any of our fellow REAL Texans who live in Amarillo out. VOTE!

It's OUR Blue City, let's take it back. It doesn't belong to Wall Street! It belongs to us!

We here in Amarillo are the teachers, the construction workers, the fast food workers, the soldiers and fomer soldiers (God Bless America and THANK YOU for your service, since George Bush never got around to thankin 'ya), and yes, those of us who are of the few left to have the privilege of being able to call ourselves a Workin Cowboy.

We are the kinda people who have our heads on straight and our priorities straighter.

What makes us different here in Amarillo? What makes us the survivors we are?

Because folks around these parts have what outsiders like to call "Cowboy Boots."

Here, we just call 'em "BOOTS," and we wear 'em proudly, and not only bust broncs, but we also bust lies.

And we'll sure as you know what know how to and will bust this one too!

Like anything else, we need "a little green" for our "blue."

AND EVERY little bit counts. And even a LITTLE green goes a MIGHTY long way.

I started this page with just ONE DOLLAR.

We CAN and ARE Turning Texas Blue AGAIN, and we WILL turn Amarillo, Potter County, and Randall County and the ENTIRE Texas Panhandle BLUE AGAIN, and show the world that we in Amarillo can bravely make that proverbial one thousand mile journey that begins with but one step with our hats and boots on firmly, facing FORWARD, and marching together toward the future as only a true Amarilloan can!

And anyone who's been to Midnight Rodeo here in Amarillo can tell ya: several thousand boots all hittin the ground at the same time sure makes a lotta noise.

So let's MAKE that noise. Let's show the world how loud thousands of pairs of boots marchin together with one common cause is!

And unlike that fake Texan George W. Bush, we don't have to say we “swagger,” because our loud, booted, unified walk speaks for itself.

As much as you can spare'll help:

But ONE DOLLAR will do it, and we sure could use ya.

My boots are already on. Join me.

Be a Cowboy, Be Blue.

Contribution rules

  1. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. I am not a federal contractor.
  5. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.

By proceeding with this transaction, you agree to ActBlue's terms & conditions.