$1000 = 20,000 TEXTS TO VOTERS IN IL-6!!!
For the final 10 days, Blue Rev and BuildTheWave.org will raise funds to text voters in the 5 closest tossup House seats in the country, according to FiveThirtyEight.com!
Sean Casten is a scientist, engineer, and a clean energy entrepreneur, running to flip Illinois-6 red to blue. He is endorsed by President Obama, Elizabeth Warren, League of Conservation Voters, SEIU, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, AFL-CIO, Illinois Education Association, and many more.
His opponent, Republican Peter Roskam, votes with Trump 94.6% (53eig.ht/2Rk1Nz0), including Obamacare repeal, and the Trump Tax Scam. He's gotta go.
According to FiveThirtyEight.com, this is the closest House race in the country, with a predicted outcome of 50.0% - 50.0%. So we're going to do all we can to bring out just a few more voters to vote for Sean.
That's why we are raising funds for buildthewave.org, a texting platform that reaches out to Democratic voters to remind them to vote. $1000 = 20,000 texts sent to voters. Blue Rev will be doing a lot of this within our texting group: facebook.com/groups/BlueRevTexting/
Let's go flip this seat!