$25 = 1000 more voters reached in NM-2!
Xochiti Tores Small is an attorney, former law clerk, and community activist who has worked to potet water rights running to flip NM-2 red to blue!
Her Republican opponent Steve Pearce votes with Trump 90% of the time (53eig.ht/2Psx99h). He's gotta go.
This race is EXTREMELY close! According to FiveThirtyEight.com, it will be decided by 0.4 points! If we can send 20,000 texts to voters in NM-2, we can have a huge impact on a race that might come down to just a few hundred votes or less.
It will take $1000 to do that. Please chip in so we can get to work!
And feel free to join our texting group here: facebook.com/groups/BlueRevTexting/
Enough talk, let's go FLIP THIS SEAT BLUE in just seven days!!!