Please Join
Pam & Todd Eveland
Let's secure NC's future by reclaiming our courts!
With Special Guests: Justice Allison Riggs, Commissioner Martin Moore, and Ed Eldred
For a reception in support of:
The North Carolina Democratic Party and
The Buncombe County Democratic Party
NCDP Chair Anderson Clayton &
Buncombe County Democratic Party Chair Kathie Kline
Saturday, April 13th
5:00 - 8:00pm
The Home of
Pam & Todd Eveland
Asheville, NC
Address Provided Upon RSVP
Trustee: $10,000 | Host: $5,000 | Co-Host: $2,500
Benefactor: $1,000 |Friend: $500 | Guest: $250
Please contact Chloe at CCapetanos@NCDP.ORG with any questions