Purchase Ads to be printed in the GCDC Fundraiser Event Book (distributed at the GCDC Fall Fundraiser) - plus an online link on our website: GreeneCountyDemocrats.com ~ via a link from your logo to your website or social media page.
Questions? Email: Info@GreeneCountyDemocrats.com
(On Cell Phone: Scroll down to select ad size and quantity)
Advertising Order Form for
2024 Annual Fundraiser Event-Book
Purchase Advertising space >>>>>>
Outside back cover $500 (Full page, 4.5” X 7.75”) (color)
Inside back cover $400 (Full page, 4.5” X 7.75”)
Inside front cover (Full page, 4.5” X 7.75”) Committee Listing
Center spread (2 pages) $1100. (9” X 7.75”)
Full page $175 (4.5” X 7.75”)
Half page $125 (4.5” X 3.5”)
Third page $100 (4.5” X 1.75”)
Sixth page $50 (2.25” X 2.375”)
Booster Pages: The Booster Page is for people who would like to have their name in the book without taking out a whole ad, the price is $20 ~ but you can always give more.
Ads will not be printed until payment is made in full.
Please do NOT combine any other payments with ad payment if paying by check (dinner
tickets, donations, etc.) The last day we will accept ads is October 1, 2024.
Want to send a check instead? Make a check out to "Greene County Democratic Committee"
and mail to:
Greene County Democratic Committee
PO Box 4
Leeds, NY 12451
Email logos, ads with contact information, social media and / or website link, and any questions to: Info@GreeneCountyDemocrats.com
Thank you for your support!