Donate to Blue Hillsdale: Elect Camp and Mazza-Chiong for Hillsdale Council 2024

We are writing to express gratitude for your support in the recent primary election and would like to introduce ourselves as the Democratic candidates for Hillsdale borough council in November, Chris Camp and Melissa Mazza-Chiong.

As residents deeply invested in the well-being of our community, we are committed to promoting positive change through cost-effective solutions, transparency, and community engagement. Our platform is built upon the principles of fiscal responsibility and strategic planning. We understand the importance of utilizing taxpayer dollars efficiently to address the needs of our town while also planning for future growth and development.

It's an important time for Hillsdale as the municipal government and the Board of Education wrestle with big decisions around projects that have a singular impact on the taxpayer. By promoting improved collaboration and transparency, we can ensure that these projects align with the best interests of our residents. We believe that open communication is essential for building trust and accountability within our community.

We also believe it is crucial to cultivate a unified government that serves the best interests of our community. As council members, we pledge to keep residents informed about important decisions, seek input on key issues, and actively listen to concerns and feedback from all constituents.

Furthermore, we are dedicated to making meaningful connections within our community. We recognize the strength and diversity of Hillsdale and are committed to celebrating and amplifying the voices of all residents. By fostering a sense of inclusivity and belonging, we can work together to create a vibrant and thriving community; something we are already doing with our involvement in local events and our active volunteerism.

We are excited about the opportunity to serve Hillsdale and are grateful for the support and encouragement we have received thus far. As we continue to campaign, we look forward to engaging with residents, listening to their ideas and concerns, and working together to build a brighter future for our town. Keep an eye out during these exciting weeks and months leading up to the election for further efforts to address the needs of our community.

Contribution rules

  1. I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
  2. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.

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