HD98 as a district was originally in Canadian and Cleveland counties. In 2002, the district was reassigned to a growing district in Broken Arrow covering eastern Tulsa County and western Wagoner County.
There have been 12 elections for HD12 since 2002. Six of the elections there were only republican candidates, and the other six there were also democrat candidates.
The election in 2002 has been the most competitive with the republican getting 6,209 votes (56.61%) and the democrat getting 4,759 votes (43.39%). The 2024 election resulted in Woolley (R) receiving 10,845 votes (66.65%) and Smythe (D) 5,426 votes (33.35%). If every voter had brought one more Smythe vote to the polls, then Smythe would have won!
Your contribution will help me reach additional voters for the next election.
Isn't it time for a different point of view?