Please join us for the first Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner to support the Cumberland County Democratic Party
Join us at the historic Cumberland Mountain State Park Restaurant, which was built as part of the CCC program under the Roosevelt administration.
Dinner will begin at 6:00pm.
Our keynote speaker will be Mr. David L.King of Nashville, TN.
RSVP by ordering your tickets below.
Questions? Please email Amy at
ActBlue provides a unique way for you to make your voice echo in the corridors of power. Please support them with a 10% tip when you contribute.
Please join us for the 2nd Annual Eleanor Roosevelt Dinner to support the Cumberland County Democratic Party
Join us at the historic Cumberland Mountain State Park Restaurant, which was built as part of the CCC program under the Roosevelt administration.
Doors open at 4:00pm.
Our keynote speaker will be the Honorable Roy Herron, TNDP Chairman.
RSVP by ordering your tickets below.
Questions? Please email Amy at
ActBlue provides a unique way for you to make your voice echo in the corridors of power. Please support them with a 10% tip when you contribute.