Help the Coalition continue our mission to tackle food insecurity by advancing food and health equity as a birthright to communities that have been intentionally and systematically disenfranchised.
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We Tackle Food Apartheid
CFHE addresses and remediates what, at its core, starts as food apartheidism– geographies with increased barriers to food access due to the systematic disinvestment by government and private entities, patterned along racial lines. This can range from the disinvestment in affordable housing, urban flight from inner-city neighborhoods, to supermarket bias against establishing outlets in Black and Hispanic neighborhoods. Such systematic disinvestment, patterned along racial lines, creates insidious inequities in the access to nutritious and culturally appropriate food, healthcare, and wellness services.
How We Work
Who We Serve
Through our partnerships, programs, and model, CFHE directly serves low-income seniors, persons with disabilities, and homeless individuals, as well as women, children, and families. The majority (more than 75%) are individuals of color and immigrant families across 6 New Jersey counties and within Philadelphia, PA.