Musick brings people, ideas, and resources together!

I, Chris Musick, declare my candidacy for Delaware County Council at Large.

Talk to me: 765-273-3149

When Indiana was a territory, the Musicks fought alongside future President Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe. Jesse was mortally wounded.

The only Civil War marker found in the Musick Cemetery, located outside Summitville in Madison County, is for my great, great grandpappy, Elby. His uncle and adoptive father, Abraham, is buried alongside his family. Abraham had one of the first land grants in the area. My grandparents, father, and mother are resting in Delaware County. My parents were proud Bearcats.

I was born in Muncie and raised in Yorktown. I’m a proud Tiger. We swam at Emerald Lake and fished in the mighty White. I took dates to the SkyHi and the boys would go to the Muncie Dragway. Like many friends, I made pocket-change by mowing lawns and bailing hay in the summer and shoveling snow in the winter. 

Thank you Blizzard of ’78!

Ball State University prepared me well for the international career that would cause me to leave Delaware County for 35 years. Three years ago, I retired to where I have always considered home. I retired to the home of my ancestors. I’m back home again in Muncie, Indiana! (There might be a song in there somewhere….)

I frequently returned to Delaware County to visit family and friends when my work located me elsewhere. Since the 1980’s, I witnessed the layoffs, the factory closings, the outward migration of 20,000 residents, the business and school closures, the houses boarded up, and the factories demolished.

Such a large taxbase loss limits the services local government can provide.

Delaware County is not attractive to investment because of its poor infrastructure. Inhouse investments in the County’s business future need to be made if we are to become attractive to outside investment or to families wanting to relocate. Is it possible to build a work-from-home community if there is no highspeed internet? While attending an international student presentation on Zambia at Ball State, the student was asked, “What surprised you most when coming to the US?“

“The roads are better in Zambia.” 

The migration out of the County continues. Many people today are leaving Delaware County and Indiana because of the environment of hate that has been created by the misuse of political power. Who wants to live in a place where government officials openly mock, mislead, and sow the seeds of hate? My father, a union-leader and free-thinker, taught me to help those who cannot help themselves and to call out the unjust. In a strong democratic government,

all people must feel a part of the community and their voices are welcomed.

No Democrats were on the ballot when I voted in Delaware county a few years ago. No one was running! Really! No one was running! When I submitted my application to run for Council, I was the only Democrat running! What kind of democracy do we live in when only one person from one party is running?

Local government touches every aspect of our lives and it is too important for nonparticipation.

I feel compelled to run for County Council because no one should run for a political office unopposed.

I feel compelled to run for County Council in order to express points-of-view not currently represented.

I feel compelled to run because local government gets stronger with more participation.

I feel compelled to run because I have good ideas and am a creative problem solver.

I feel compelled to run when I witness elected officials mocking my neighbors.

Like my forefathers,

It is time to take a stand.

I stand for:

·      Achieving excellence in schools and libraries

·      Improving infrastructure

·      Enhancing community recreational opportunities

·      Growing local cottage-industries

·      Leveraging existing and developing new County events to increase tourism and outside revenue

·      Removing hate speech from local politics

With improved infrastructure, excellence in schools, and a variety of recreational opportunities in a welcoming community, Delaware county can reverse the outward migration and attract investment. A welcoming Delaware County can strengthen its position as East-Central Indiana’s center for arts, education, and economics.

I look forward to hearing your ideas on community improvement and investing with you to improve the our shared future.

Musick brings people, ideas, and resources together!

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  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
  4. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.

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