Open Markets Institute

Help Support the Center for Journalism and Liberty at Open Markets Institute

The Open Markets Institute is an independent non-profit organization focused on addressing concentrations of economic power. We do research, reporting, and advise policymakers.

The core mission of the Center for Journalism and Liberty is to ensure that the news media of the United States and our democratic allies is fully independent and robustly funded in the 21st century’s digital economy. The Center’s work is guided by the belief that government plays a fundamental role in structuring news media markets and business models to ensure that neither the state nor any one or few private actors control the words or actions of reporters, editors and publishers. The center focuses on policy solutions with regard to privacy, platforms, business models, and content integrity.

To avoid conflicts of interest, we take no corporate money. Instead we rely on foundations and individual donors like you. Please donate to help us take on America's monopoly problem.

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