Fairness Fund welcomes Cleve Jones and Rick Jacobs to Iowa

Join us Friday October 8 to welcome renowned civil rights activist Cleve Jones and Courage Campaign founder Rick Jacobs to Iowa. The event will feature special guests Governor Chet Culver, Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal, and Speaker of the House Pat Murphy.

Cleve Jones is best known for his work with gay rights pioneer Harvey Milk, as founder of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, and organizer of the 2009 National Equality March.

Rick Jacobs, as founder of the Courage Campaign has been a powerful voice for equality in California and across the country. The Courage Campaign has played a crucial role in mobilizing pro-equality activists and holding opponents of equality accountable.

An Evening with Cleve Jones and Rick Jacobs
Friday October 8, 2010 6:00-8:00 pm
West End Architectural Salvage
22 SW 9th Street, Des Moines, IA 50309

RSVP by ordering your tickets below!

Questions? Please email Amanda Huppert at amanda@fairnessfundiowa.org or 515-288-4019 ext. 214

Select your tickets below.

20.00 each

50.00 each

Total due today


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