Sherrod has dedicated his life to fighting for Ohioans and the dignity of work — the belief that hard work should pay off for everyone, no matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of work you do. Whether you punch a clock or swipe a badge, earn a salary or make tips, are raising children or caring for an aging parent, Sherrod is fighting for you.
Sherrod’s never been afraid to stand up to corporations and special interests to level the playing field for Ohioans — from standing up to Wall Street to taking on Big Pharma. He has worked with both parties to pass some of the most significant legislation in recent years, and he continues to work across the aisle to hold corporations accountable. Sherrod has a strong record on Council issues — including prioritizing diplomacy in foreign policy, supporting arms control negotiations, and opposing new types of nuclear weapons — and is currently the Chair of the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.
Sherrod's reelection next year is expected to be one of the closest and most expensive races in the country with national Republicans already identifying him as a top target. With millions in dark money expected to flood the airways, every dollar helps to make sure Sherrod can continue fighting for workers.