Council for a Livable World

Donate to Chrissy Houlahan's campaign and Council for a Livable World

In 2018, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan became the first woman to represent this district in Congress, and the first Democrat in more than 160 years. She won reelection in 2020 56-44% with the Council’s support.

An engineer by training, she is a former Air Force Captain who spent three years on active duty and another 13 years on inactive reserve duty. Her background and interest in our issues make her a leading voice in Congress on national security.

Rep. Houlahan serves on the House Armed Services Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee. She ranked in the top quarter of House members during the 116th Congress in the Lugar Center and McCourt School’s Bipartisan Index and has stressed the importance of working across the aisle.

In 2021, she voted to reverse an unjustified and wasteful $24 billion increase in the Pentagon budget and opposed President Donald Trump's threats of military intervention in Iran. She wants to root out waste and inefficiencies in the Pentagon budget and practice careful and needed oversight of the nuclear modernization program.

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