When Color Of Change is under attack by Donald Trump, the disgraced, twice-impeached former president, we, the Board of Directors, hope you will stand with Color Of Change.
Just like he did before the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, Trump is resorting to unmistakable dog whistles for racism and violence through his declaration that the Manhattan district attorney is going to arrest him and call for his MAGA followers to “protest” and “take our nation back.”
Almost immediately, angry white supremacists and far-right bullies went on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to answer Trump’s unmistakable dog whistles for racism and violence. They’re itching for a fight — and they’ve put Color Of Change high on their target list.
In times like these, we need you to support Color Of Change even more.
Make no mistake: Over the next few days, as more news circulates about potential consequences for Trump, we are going to see a flood of anti-Black and anti-Semitic attacks from the far-right’s foot soldiers and their Capitol Hill allies. But, with your help, Color Of Change will be ready for them and we won’t back down. No matter what, Color Of Change will continue building a less hostile, more human world for Black people — and we hope we can count on your support today.
The Board of Directors