Committee for Transparent Democracy

Donate to the Committee for Transparent Democracy

We are a grassroots-fueled bipartisan campaign with the goal of greater transparency and accountability in state government. A YES vote on Question 1 would give the State Auditor of Massachusetts more explicit authority to audit the legislature.

Massachusetts is facing multiple, simultaneous crises — affordability, health outcomes, housing, transportation and too many more – that are incumbent upon the Massachusetts Legislature to fix. But instead of taking meaningful action that makes life better in the Commonwealth, they continue to be characterized as one of the least efficient, least productive legislatures in the country.

Meanwhile, Massachusetts is the only state in the country where the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches are exempt from Public Records Law. Massachusetts is also one of 11 states whose legislature claims exemption from the Open Meeting Law. The Center for Public Integrity has given the Commonwealth a D+ grade on public access to information.

The people of Massachusetts deserve better. They deserve a clear understanding of how our tax dollars are being spent. Right now, legislative books are closed, and legislative leadership is refusing the same type of audit conducted for every other state department.

By identifying operational challenges, a legislative audit could recommend performance improvements to better serve residents. By shining much-needed sunlight into our legislature, we can provide a level of accountability on an opaque body.

With your support, we can ensure a Massachusetts that lives up to its values. A contribution of any size will make a huge difference.

Thank you!

Contribution rules

  1. I am at least eighteen years old.
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).

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