Wall Street’s strategy is to make Social Security seem complicated, but it isn’t. We can either take money away from seniors who get $1,700 a month from Social Security benefits, or make millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share and have enough left over to increase benefits by $200 per month.
Social Security is a simple, universal system that everyone puts money into, and is there for everyone when they need it. That simplicity helps it be extraordinarily efficient, spending less than 1% of every dollar on administrative expenses.
Over 45 minutes, Alex Lawson took calls from people who mainly repeated talking points from Wall Street’s decades-long “Leninist Strategy” to undermine Social Security. Lawson displayed an unusual degree of patience as one business owner who claimed to make over $7 million a year challenged him on whether his 16% effective tax rate is too high.
And when the host played a clip from Koch-funded anti-Social Security talking head Charles Blahous, Alex answered as straightforwardly as you can:
“with all due respect to Chuck, the man is a paid liar.”
Watch the opening of Alex’s appearance, then chip in to keep fighting to get the media to report the TRUTH about Social Security!
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