Hi! My name is Danielle Holtz and I'm a senior at The University of North Carolina Asheville. Almost everything I've done in my activism over the last four years has been related to food, and none of it would have been possible had I not attended the YEA Camp California session in summer 2015. I've worked as a counselor-in-training, a counselor, the Operations Manager, a blog editor, and intern with YEA Camp over the last four years. I also helped to start the YEA Camp Youth Fundraising and Publicity teams!
At my university and in my daily life, I am a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Campus Representative, meaning I put on eight animal-rights related events per semester at my campus. I also serve as my school's Sustainable Food Procurement Analyst, where I created a set of sustainability criteria for institutional purchasing and am working to track the data from supplier invoices.
I am also president of my university's oldest environmental club, Active Students for a Healthy Environment, where I offer leadership and activism skills to four committees based in foraging, campus food waste reduction, animal rights, and the Sunrise Movement.
Upon graduation, I plan to move to a large city to promote animal rights and food system reform for the rest of my life. Without YEA Camp, I have no idea where I would be. It truly was the most life-changing experience I have ever had, and I love being able to share that with 12-17 year olds from across the county (and world!) each year.
Your donation shows your support of my activism, and makes YEA Camp accessible for everyone thanks to the YEA Camp scholarship fund.
Thanks so much,
Want to learn more about YEA Camp?
YEA Camp is a social justice leadership camp that trains aspiring activists to make a bigger difference on causes they care about. Over the past decade, we've trained nearly 1,000 people to get more active in their communities and to take action to make our world a better place. While some organizations raise funds by running a 5K or selling cookies, YEA Camp wanted to do something mission-driven that encourages people to get more involved in activism and to celebrate it in community. That's why you're here, reading about our first ever Volunteer-a-Thon! Why is this so important? YEA Camp granted financial aid to 51 of the 100 participants at camp this summer, including 17 who received full scholarships, and 8 who paid between $1-100. We funded $66,400 worth of financial aid for all of these amazing humans to be able to attend. This was only possible thanks to the support of donations to the YEA Camp scholarship fund. Your donation makes it possible for YEA Camp to say yes to just as many or more aspiring activists wanting to come to camp next year. Thank you so much for your support!