Thank you for supporting my "Desamours for Dulles" campaign for Loudoun County Supervisor!
My goal is to raise $30,000 for a typical county supervisor campaign. As you can tell, I need all the help I can get!
Please consider donating $50 or more...that's $5 or the price of a fancy coffee each month. Of course, you may donate as much you want at once or monthly. By all means, go crazy!
Also, please do not forget to subscribe to my newsletter to stay in touch -- I'd love to meet you.
But more importantly, DO NOT FORGET TO VOTE NOV. 5, 2019!
See you soon, and thank you to all for your support and encouragement!
To donate by mail, please send a check to:
Desamours For Dulles
25050 Riding Plaza.
Ste. 130-646
South Riding, VA 20152